WHG&HS members Jeannie Culpin (President), Kathy West (Treasurer), Margaret Storm (Historian) and Anne Hayward (member) visited with members of the Fremont/Custer Historical Society in Canon City during their monthly meeting in September. During this informal gathering, Jeannie gave an update on what has been happening with the WHG&HS over the past year. Margaret Storm gave details about our exciting new project, Women of Wetmore (WOW), Anne Hayward spoke about our new website and Kathy West proudly showed off our WHG&HS playing cards and Fremont County maps we have for sale.
The Fremont/Custer Historical Society began in 1971 and currently has 70 individual or family supporters. The FCHS meets the 3rd Sunday of the month, 2:00 pm at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 804 Sheridan Ave, Canon City. Yearly dues are $15.00 for a single membership, $20.00 for a family membership and $150.00 for a lifetime membership.
Please contact Secretary Beverly Harris at 719-784-4263 or [email protected] for more information. Mailing address is PO Box 965, Canon City, CO 81215