New Hope Church and Cemetery were recently featured in the Colorado Genealogist, published quarterly by the Colorado Genealogical Society.
Carolyn Thomson organized and transcribed church records that are found on microfilm in the Denver Public Library, Western History/Genealogy Department Manuscript Collection.
Peggy Martin, WHG&HS member, and New Hope caretaker and Secretary/Treasurer, helped with the transcription.
She was enlisted to help confirm the spelling of the church member names.
She also contributed additional invaluable information from her research and records.
List of church members taken from church rolls and business meeting minutes are listed for the years 1871-1876 and 1913-1926.
Also, a listing of those appearing in the above photo is included:
Listing of the people who appear in the cover photo.
From an article from The Record about 1974 held by the church archives:
“It looks like everybody in the Wetmore area turned out for this 1898 picture. It was loaned by C. L. Jennings, who was age 3 when it was taken. The identification was provided by Mrs. Raymond Kempner, a long-time resi- dent of Wetmore, prior to her death some eight years ago. In the list are many of the pioneers of the Wetmore area.
Judging from the coats and heavy clothing, this was taken during winter, perhaps at a Christmas service or, it may have been a special program or even a wedding at the historic church, which is now 101 years old. Those in the photo were, left to right:
Front Row: Will Bernard, Bob Royster, Will Funderburk, John Sikes, Orvil Jones, George Fuller, Mrs. Fuller, Watt Bernard, Mrs. Bernard, Jack Sutton, Mrs. Sutton, Euretta Jones, Ethel Sikes, Mrs. Sikes, Mrs. Betts, Mrs. Crouch, Elton Hall, Edd Karsh, Carlton Hall, Harry Sikes, Calvin Sikes, Roy Jennings, Lester Jennings, Mildred Fuller, Grace Bradshaw, Ann Allen, Jessie Coleman, Mrs. Royster, Mrs. King, Emmett Jennings, Mr. Sylvester Allen, Michael Jennings, Billy Smith and Billy Benson.
On Fence at right: Alva Jones, Max Smith, Jay Bernard, Berry Eason, Elmer Sikes, Earl Bernard, Johnnie Gable.
Back Row: Mamie Bernard Yost, Edna Drake, Edith Betts Hall, Mary Hall, Jessie Jennings Dickson, Kate Porter, Mrs. S. Allen, Grandman Kelly, Ira Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Tigue, Dave Westheifer, Chas. Hill, Fred Walters, Robert Jones, Charles Smith.
Middle Row on porch: Eva Hall, Nellie Sutton, Rose Funderburk, Lula Sutton, Nora Sikes, Luella Allen, Maud Bernard, Guy Jennings, Mamie Sutton, Georgia Fuller, Ruby Sheffield.”
The complete edition of the Colorado Genealogist can be found here in a pdf format.
Thank you to Carolyn and Peggy.